最近,為了響應政府“節能省碳”的政策,瘦子也開始騎腳踏車上班了!(唉!其實還不是股票大跌、物價飆漲,付不起 油錢罷了!)上班的路程因為順向且有一段腳踏車專用道可以使用,所以較順利,約花了20分鐘,且騎起來也輕鬆愉快;而回家就得騎約40分鐘囉!但對於喜歡 運動的我倒還可以勝任,但缺點卻是努力許久的增肥計畫又功虧一潰了!沒騎多久體重就少了3公斤耶!(唉!那些努力在減肥的人,是無法體會增肥人的辛苦 的……)喔!對了!若說到要騎車減肥,胖子就很有心得了!他可是實際騎腳踏車減肥,且展現碩大成效的台灣第一人啊!(下次請他寫一篇來分享好了!)

但,騎車上班有個目前還無法克服的缺點即是,這樣就無法帶我的狗兒跟我一起上班了!因為即使Apple很聰明,很受教(我一直認為他是米克斯中的極 品!)但要一手握龍頭控制方向、一手握牽繩引導狗兒跑於車側,對我們來說仍是難度過高且頗危險,萬一不小心我就得跌個“狗吃屎”了!但若放任林Apple 自行跟著車子跑,在到處有人危險駕駛、橫衝直撞的台北街頭,也太危險了!所以,瘦子就上網請教了Google大王,看是否有何種設備,可以讓我如願與林 Apple一起騎腳踏車上班?但在台灣,能找到都只是那種綁在腳踏車後面,讓狗坐在裡面的小拉車(如右圖所示) ,都非常不適用。因為,一則這些小拉車都太小了,都只放得下小型犬,哪塞得下林Apple啊!再則,我騎的路程中有上下坡,下坡時危險、上坡時又拉不動林 Apple(我還巴不得他拉我上去勒!),所以讓我苦惱很久。


Allow the dog to share the fun of a bike-ride! Don’t leave your best friend home, both of you can now bike with safety. No leash to tangle with, no dog running in front of you, just a fun time in the outdoors.

  • It grants the full safety of the trinomial biker-bike-dog in each single moment during riding;
  • It allows the biker to safely indicate the change of his direction, since no hand is engaged in holding the dog;
  • It allows both the biker and the dog to train together, keeping both “guys” fit;
  • It can be easily disconnected from the bike in less than one second, when you are using your bike without your dog;
  • It can be transformed in a damped leash in practically no time, thus allowing the biker to control his dog also when not riding the bike;
  • It can be installed on the bike in less than 5 minutes by everybody;
  • It can be easily moved from one bike to the other;
  • It is universal, meaning that you can install it on practically all types of existing bikes: mountain bikes, city bikes, new bikes, old bikes, small ones, big ones, etc …;
  • It doesn’t request any training for both the biker and the dog;
  • It is very light and absolutely not cumbersome;
  • It can be used on all types of terrain, both on-road and off-road, always keeping the safety of your driving unaltered;
  • In case of accident, it grants that the dog does not detach from the bike, dangerously wondering among the traffic.



SPRINGER's patented safety release frees your dog instantly, without discomfort to either of you, if your dog should happen to run on the wrong side of a lamp post, tree, or mailbox while you are looking the other way.
This might never happen to you, but you can feel more comfortable knowing that the safety release is there. The safety release is adjustable for the strength of your dog and your own weight. Inexpensive replacements are available.

  • Both hands are free for the bikes handle bars.
  • Springer's low mounted coil spring absorbs and reduces the dog's tugs and pulls, making it easier to keep balance.
  • The dog is held gently but firmly in place beside the bike, keeping the dog from interfering with the pedals or wheels.
  • Springer is equipped with a "Safety Release" which allows the dog to break away instantly if it ends up on the wrong side of a tree, post, etc.
  • Springer makes it possible for you to enjoy biking and exercising with your dog at the same time.
  • Most dogs learn to run with Springer after a few minutes.
  • With Springer you maintain perfect balance even if a strong dog suddenly charges out. But even better, because SPRINGER puts you back in charge, your dog will very soon realize this, and restrain itself, even when passing a cat, a squirrel or another dog. Believe it!!




By 瘦子




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