( 貼這張圖順便推銷這枚待認養狗狗JoJo )
( 更多照片請按這兒,這隻狗狗很適合當看門犬或守衛犬喔 )

如果你很喜歡看電影,那你一定有機會注意到,在許多以紐約為城市背景的影片中,常會出現一個場景,由一個人牽著一隻、或二隻、或更多的狗兒在街上漫步,或慢跑於公園中,而這個人的職業就是瘦子我夢想中的工作~Dog Walker(溜狗師)

Dog Walker (溜狗師) 這個工作對於熱愛戶外運動與狗兒的我真是再適合也不過了!既能同時從事兩件熱愛的事並展現專業,又能獲得不錯的報酬(在美國,溜狗師的週薪是$400~$900美金),真是一舉數得呀!

在美國,Dog Walker會於飼主無法自行溜狗的日子(一般來說就是上班日,Weekday)經由使用飼主事先交付的鑰匙,自行進入雇主家中,將狗兒帶出門到街上溜溜、或是到公園跑跑,並在狗兒外出小解或運動結束後,帶領狗兒安全返家,且在安頓好狗兒,給予適當飲水後,自行上鎖離去。所以這種服務必須建立在飼主與Dog Walker能彼此信任的前提下,而大家一定心存懷疑,這種模式能在台灣施行嗎?!個人認為,雖有其難度,但並非絕無可能。因為,就飼主方面來講,Dog Walker提供了更便利的選擇,讓飼主於忙碌的職場生活中,仍能兼顧狗兒的福利。而對狗兒來說,Dog Walker能:
(本段絕對是抄襲自夢公園的「狗狗外出服務」頁面中的訊息...^^ )

※ 必須是狗和動物的熱愛者且喜愛戶外活動
※ 有能力去體會到狗兒想表達的感受,並且不犯同樣的錯
※ 對於訓犬與狗兒心理學有濃厚的興趣
※ 擁有強烈的理解力與組織能力
※ 具有良好的溝通技巧且樂於與人溝通.
※ 愛烏及烏,必須視狗兒如己出
最後且最重要的是,Dog Walker必須能堅守與狗兒約定的行程,不得任意更改、延遲或缺席,這是這個職業對狗兒的約定。



您知道一位溜狗師(Dog Walker)在不影響服務品質的前提下,最多能溜幾隻狗兒嗎?

答案是:六隻(資料來自PDWAI~The Professional Dog Walkers Association),意即是專業的Dog Walker亦無法同時溜六隻以上的狗兒,而依然維持良好品質。

( 本圖與本文無關,因為看起來很不專業 )
( 是因為這張照片剛好這串有六枚狗狗才用這張照片的 XD )

如何成為一位專業的Dog Walker呢?(資料來源:WIKIHOW)

  Walking dogs for a living is more than just clicking on a leash and getting some exercise together. You need to be a dog-lover who is in tune with the ways of dogs and ready to run a business. Yet, it can be a rewarding job for a dedicated person who is well-organized, professional and human and dog client-oriented. Here are some suggestions on how to be a professional dog walker.

  • You need to love dogs to have a successful career with dogs. It is as simple as that. Dogs sense non-dog people and it won't be smooth riding if you aren't truly comfortable around them. There are some important considerations to think about:
  • Do you know as much as possible about dogs? Know as much as you can, not just from your own experience with them but also from reading and speaking to the owners and to your vet.
  • Do you know which breeds of dogs might not be compatible or will be compatible with one another? Know this before teaming them up for a walk.
  • Do you know what to do if a dog is in heat? It'll attract more than its fair share of attention and you'll need to be prepared.
  • Do you know how to handle a dog that suddenly turns aggressive on you? Or on passers-by around you?
  • Do you know how to poop-scoop? Do you know the local by-laws on walking dogs in certain areas etc? Read up! Your being well-informed will help them to feel you are going to have their dog's best interests at heart.
  • Realize that your human clients will have all sorts of expectations, based on their own beliefs in dog-care and often with a dose of guilt that they can't spare the time to do what you are doing for them. Be generous in your compassion for their concerns (after all, they know their own pooch best) and be tolerant of the more difficult requests. Gentle persuasion and negotiation will often win the human client over!
  • Learn some basic dog first-aid. Ask at a local veterinary for some training in basic dog first-aid (expect to pay the vet for this advice). It will help you to fix some of the little problems that you may encounter. And while you're at this, do you know the first-aid for a dog bite?
  • Have extra leashes, collars, dog toys, dog treats, etc. Get a good backpack for storing extras as you walk, something that your dog clients can't reach.
  • Take water for you and for the dogs you are walking. Take a small bowl for the water.
  • Keep a raincoat handy at all times. It'll bother you more than the dogs if it starts to pour.
  • Get police checks/clearance papers to show potential clients that you are trustworthy and that you are taking a professional approach. This is an important consideration since you are entering their homes during their work hours to take pooch for a walk; you have access to their keys and everything else.
  • Insurance is also a must. You never know what may happen to the dogs.
  • Always be cautious around the dogs that you are not familiar with!
  • Be certain that you have good physical fitness; dog-walking can be a strenuous activity, especially with medium to large dogs.
  • Remember this is NOT YOUR DOG. Take care of it like it is.



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